Cooler's have four view functions that can assist third-parties. They are:
1) a function to compute required collateral for a loan amount at a given loan to collateral.
/// @notice compute collateral needed for loan amount at given loan to collateral ratiofunctioncollateralFor(uint256 amount,uint256 loanToCollateral) publicpurereturns (uint256) {
2) a function to compute interest paid for a loan amount for a given duration at a given interest rate.
/// @notice compute interest cost on amount at given ratefunctioninterestFor(uint256 amount,uint256 rate,uint256 duration) publicpurereturns (uint256) {}
3) a function to check if a loan is in default.
/// @notice check if given loan is in defaultfunctionisDefaulted(uint256 loanID) externalviewreturns (bool) {}
4) a function to check if a loan Request is active.
/// @notice check if given request is activefunctionisActive(uint256 reqID) externalviewreturns (bool) {}